Our Services

We provide excelent 24/7 customer services

Air Freight
Sea Freight
Land Transportation
Warehouse / Packaging
Customs Brokerage
Pharma / Cold Chain
Medical Equipment

Years' Experience


Worldwide Agents


Happy Customers

  • Key Projects

    Some of the highlights of our success journey

    Medicines and Medical Supplies Buffer Stock Distribution

    2014 - 2023

    Covid-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE/APD) Distribution


    Covid-19 Medicines Distribution

    2020 - 2023

    Covid-19 Vaccine Logistics

    2021 - 2023

    With a close collaboration with Indonesian Ministry of Health, SKYTRANS Logistics race against time to deliver PPE, Medicines and Vaccine Logistics to all 34 provinces across Indonesia during the pandemic.

    Indonesian Hajj Medicines Distribution

    2008 - 2019, 2022 - 2023

    With a close collaboration with Indonesian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Religion, we store, pack, and deliver medicine supplies from Indonesia to Saudi Arabia for Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims.

    heavy equipment and all materials for the plantation sites

    2015 - 2023

    Shipping heavy duty equipments and all material for Cargill's plantation sites in West Kalimantan


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